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Application Form


First and foremost, being a Server at High Tease is about having fun and actually enjoying what you will be doing. By choosing to Bid To Serve through this application form and (if successful) purchasing the ticket via the means provided to you, not only will you be attending the kinky tea party of your dreams, you will be engaging in a formal role-play scenario where you hold the role of Server. The role of Server is one of role-play, where you will be indulging in your submissive side whilst in a totally unique, luxurious social and play fetish environment surrounded by a wholly diverse range of other like-minded kinksters.

Servers will be instructed and led by our Mistress of Servers: Mistress Marie Thorne and assisted by Head Servers Babydoll, Sloane and Dr. Xander. Together, you will experience an introductory "training" hour with Mistress Marie where you will practice what is expected of you as described in this application form and begin to lean in to the submissive state which you so desire. 


Our official event team includes formal Dom/mes, submissives, Tops, bottoms and switches alike that are experienced in a huge range of kink, fetish and BDSM practices, as well as extensive event management and hosting. We are curating this event to be an exciting way to experience kink in a whole new way, to provide a dreamy day of kink-nouveau.


We are here for you and are totally open to any discussion or queries about the sever role that you may have. Any general inquiries about the High Tease event or this Bid To Serve application form may be sent via email to

The application form below is for those who wish to serve at the High Tease event and includes the most pertinent information as to what the role of Server entails. Applicants will note that it is thorough to not only cover all of our bases but also to ensure that only the most enthusiastic and consent-minded hold the role of Server at High Tease. Mandatory fields are marked as such and will not be able to be submitted without answers provided to those questions.


No payment is required until your application is confirmed as successful.

Anyone who is interested and willing to engage in what is described is able to apply. No experience is necessary and each application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

There is a strict limit of Server spots available. If you are successful in your application, you will receive a confirmation email from Demasque within 3-5 business days of your application being made. Your confirmation email will include a link to purchase the High Tease: Bid To Serve ticket at the price of $180AUD. By purchasing that ticket you officially confirm to us both your willingness to serve under the information provided to you in this application form and your official spot as a Server at the High Tease event. If you receive a confirmation email of your successful application and do not purchase the Bid To Serve ticket within 5 days of your confirmation email, your position will be forfeited and you may re-apply via the application form below if you wish.

Applications close 7 days before the event commences.



Preferred Pronoun(s) When Within A Kink Setting
Have you attended a fetish, kink or BDSM party before? Not required but will factor into our consideration of applcants.
Have you had any formal submissive training before? Not required but will factor into our consideration of applicants.
Please indicate your familiarity with the concept of consent:
Gender Alignment
Have you attended an event hosted by Demasque before?
Have you had any informal submissive training before? Not required but will factor into our consideration of applicants.
Do you plan to attend the event with a Top or Dom/me? Not required but will factor into our consideration of applicants. If you anwer 'Yes', you aknowledge that both you and your countepart will require separate tickets to attend.
I understand that the High Tease event does not include any sexual activity

The Nitty Gritty: The Role Of Server

Tasks that may be required of you if you are a successful in your application to serve at High Tease include: pouring tea and/or coffee, serving snacks to attendees in the sanitary manner that will be ascribed to you, assisting  at the bar under the supervision and tutelage of our Head Bartender, roaming with complimentary beverages for guests, assisting with the maintenance of a clean and tidy event space (e.g. removing used crockery from the common area, sweeping any crumbs, mopping any spillages etc).

Tasks will be delegated to successful server applicants by our Mistress of Servers upon your arrival to the event venue. The task(s) you are delegated will be based on your answers in the section below. Tasks may also rotate, depending on agreements between you, your fellow servers and the Mistress of Servers. 

Do you have any physical limitations that might reduce your ability to complete any of the tasks listed above?
Are there any of the aforementioned tasks that you would MOST like to be involved with during your time at the event? You may choose any or all of the options listed.

Dressing The Part: Immersion

Alongside the General Attendees, you will be required to adhere to a strict fetish dress code which also includes a no full-frontal nudity policy. Dress code details can be found on the official event webpage. Is this something you agree to?
On top of your fetish outfit you will be required to wear a lanyard that identfies/states your role as Server whilst at the event. Is this something you agree to?

If you are successful in your application to Bid To Serve at High Tease, it is not expected nor required of you to wear any "maid" or "butler" outfit or accessories whilst holding the role of Server, though this is something that you may wish to and are more than welcome to do. Our Head Servers will, however, be in a range of differentiated "maid" or "butler" outfits to both immerse themselves in their own role-play as Servers and to heighten the feeling of the distinction between Servers and General Attendees whilst the event operates. You may wish to join them in wearing your own "maid" or "butler" outfits or accessories. If you are successful in your application and you do choose to wear any "maid" or "butler" outfits or accessories, there is no standard expectation or colour scheme for what your "maid" or "butler" outfit/accessories should look like, though they should be to the same high standard that we have set forth in our official event dress code.


Acceptable pieces of the traditional "maid" outfit and accessories include: long or short dress (or skirt and top) with long or short apron layered on top, head pieces, gloves. Acceptable pieces of the traditional "butler" outfit and accessories include: a variation formal suit-wear (specifically black) and shoes (shirt, pants, blazer, waistcoat, long tie or bow tie), with or without a long or short apron layered on top, gloves. Other accessories such as feather dusters, or more BDSM-servitude-specific items such as "bondage serving trays" are also acceptable. 

Regardless of what you choose to wear, if you are successful in your application to Serve we do recommend choosing a pair of footwear that you feel comfortable in wearing throughout the entirety of the event, but which still fit in the theme of both your outfit and the overall official event dress code. 

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Learning To Serve

If your application is successful, you will be required to arrive at the venue 1 hour before the event opens to general attendees.  This is so our event team and Mistress of Servers and Head Servers can become acquainted with you, and so you receive adequate instruction for how to carry out the tasks you may be completing throughout your time at the event for the ultimate Server experience.

What you will learn: how to formally address attendees, how to prepare the perfect cup of tea and coffee to an individual's taste, the correct etiquette for serving food and beverages, the processes of maintaining and replenishing food and beverage stations, the maintenance of a clean and tidy social and fetish space, how to give a pleasing shoulder and/or foot rub (optional). As described prior, the tasks you will focus on during your time at the event will be assigned to you based on your answers in this application form.


You will be expected to carry out your Server duties diligently throughout the event period, whilst still soaking up the excellent social atmosphere that we have curated. 


At the time of the event's conclusion, you may leave as you wish or choose to assist with pack-down/bump-out with the official event crew.

If you have been successful in your application and are not at the venue within 45 minutes prior to the event starting, you will forfeit your place and no refund will be given. Is this something you agree to?
If you are successful in you application, do you agree that you will be able to carry out your prescribed tasks for the duration of time whilst on site at the event?

At the event, General Attendees are permitted to approach you to be served a snack or drink from the High Tea set up, to ask for a drink from the drink tray which you may be serving from, to ask for a drink from the bar which you may be helping at, to ask for assistance tidying themselves, etc. They may also ask if you would like to engage in play with them. This is to be done only under a mutually agreed and consented upon circumstance between you and the person(s) proposing the play. You have every right to reject a request or proposition from an attendee. 

If you feel uncomfortable at all at any point during the event, you should approach one of the official event crew members for assistance. Is this something you agree to?

Successful applicants who hold the role of Server at our event may of course approach our event attendees in a naturally social manner, but we do request that servers only approach event attendees to solicit play only in the specific forms of: foot and leg worship (massage, no oral inclusion, only below the knee), shoulder and neck massage, human furniture posing (you may wish to be a footstool or coffee table for an agreed period of time, etc.). This stipulation is to both enhance the mindset and role you hold whilst as Server. You will receive "training" from the Mistress of Servers and Head Servers on how to carry out these tasks in the time period prior to the event officially opening to General Attendees.

Alongside the General Attendees, you will be required to adhere to a strict fetish dress code which also includes a no full-frontal nudity policy. Dress code details can be found on the official event webpage. Is this something you agree to?
On top of your fetish outfit you will be required to wear a lanyard that identfies/states your role as Server whilst at the event. Is this something you agree to?
It is not expected of you to offer these services described above to attendees, but those are the only types of play you may offer to attendees if you wish - unless they approach you first, as described in the previous question. Is this something you agree to?
Any General Attendee or Server found to be behaving in an inappropriate manner that does not align with the expectations set forth in our official event description's 'Play, Comfortability & Safety' policy will be asked to remove themselves from the premises. Do you agree?
Whilst we have an officially dedicated event crew running the event, we also expect both our Servers and General Attendees to be diligent in the fact that they too also have a responsibility to report anything untoward. Is ths something you agree to do if the circumstance arises?

By submitting your completed application you acknowledge and agree that: if you are successful in your application, you will receive a confirmation email from Demasque within 3-5 business days of your application being made. Your confirmation email will include a link to purchase the High Tease: Bid To Serve ticket at the price of $180AUD. By purchasing that ticket you officially confirm to us both your willingness to serve under the information provided to you in this application form and your official spot as a server at the High Tease event. If you receive a confirmation email of your successful application and do not purchase the Bid To Serve ticket within 5 days of your confirmation email, your position will be forfeited and you may re-apply via this application form.




Applications close 7 days before the event commences.

The cut-off date to submit your Bid To Serve application is Midnight of Saturday 24th June.


Click the button below to officially submit your application to Bid To Serve at High Tease.

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Your application to Bid To Serve at High Tease has been submitted.

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