With the continuing COVID-19 pandemic throwing a spanner in the works of AL&F's usual festivities that were due to be hosted in November 2020, the organisation returns to put on a night to remember this January to celebrate their lauded Mr and Ms Adelaide Leather Competitions. The event is now being scaled down from a 3-day kinkstravaganza styled event to a more casual and intimate celebration to be held on Saturday, January 23rd at The Wakefield Hotel in Adelaide City.
The events that Adelaide Leather & Fetish curate as are designed to be warm and welcoming, interactive and exploratory - and perhaps, most importantly, safe spaces for those looking to express themselves in any which way that they choose. This January's event will kick off at 6:00PM at The Wakefield Hotel (76 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia) and will comprise of a casual pub night with all the trimmings of the Mr and Ms Adelaide Leather Competitions being the main course of the evening. All are welcome, and patrons are encouraged to dress in their favourite leather and fetish gear to really immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the event whilst wining, dining and socialising with like-minded people on the night.
The event will also feature the famous Provocateur Photography Exhibition in the upstairs of the Hotel, showcasing works from acclaimed fetish photographers around the world. Not to be missed for any and all interested in the intersections of art, kink, queer theory and exhibitionism/voyeurism! All works exhibited on the night are to be available for purchase, with profits supporting the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation - Australia's longest running HIV charity organisation.
The event as a whole has been formatted to be in accordance with the current safety parameters required in the state of South Australia.
Tickets are available here: bit.ly/leathercomptickets
AL&F FACEBOOK: Adelaide Leather & Fetish
INSTAGRAM: @adelaideleatherandfetish