This August a new platform that aims to give you "a playful, sexual and kinky education" launches in the form of OhYesPlease.
Brought to us by the minds behind Berlin's Karada House, the new OhYesPlease educational website is to offer a "diverse, undogmatic and playful online education on a variety of kink and sexuality topics".
Through a structure that has been created to be gender inclusive, body positive, risk aware and consensually informed, the courses that OhYesPlease are set to launch on August 1st 2020 and aim to equip the wider kinky community with the freedom to explore and empower their own individual sexualities, boundaries and desires.
The courses offered by OhYesPlease will be provided in video format, with many of the courses being offered in a multi-layered format - so as to provide you with some of the most high-quality kink education to be found on the net today.
The courses, being online, will therefore be accessible to anyone, anywhere, at any time with an internet connection - perfect for both those new to kink and those seasoned kinksters who wish to explore a new spectrum of experiences either by themselves or with others.
Being hosted by an faculty of experts and assistants who are passionate and diverse, the OhYesPlease courses aim to help kinksters from all around the globe to be able to both empower themselves and expand their kinky horizons regardless of their self-identification, location or prior knowledge.
The first set of courses to be made available through the OhYesPlease on their August 1st launch date are to cover a wide range of topics - including "Consent, Boundaries and Negotiation", "How To Build A Scene", "Impact Play", "Play Fight and Rough Body Play" and more. This first set of courses are taught by the Karada House faculty, though there are already plans in motion to present a wider spectrum of instructors once the travel and work restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have been lifted.
OhYesPlease was created by the owners & curators of Berlin’s Karada House, a queer and
kinky safe(r) space, as a response to changes to their work during the Covid-19 pandemic:
“With the mandatory shutdown brought on by Covid-19, our physical space was closed and we moved our work online. We realized, rather rapidly, how many people in different parts of the world long for holistic body informed knowledge - for self exploration, as well as connection. Many individuals do not have access to consent-informed, risk-aware and shame-free kink and sexuality education, which also aims to include all self-identifications, body types and knowledge levels. So we decided to expand our work to give people everywhere the possibility to educate themselves on topics that are vital to leading a self-empowered and life fulfilling. Knowledge is power and we wish to give that power to everyone regardless of their circumstances.”
Once launched, there will be the ability to purchase courses with a lifetime access license, enabling you to learn at your own pace and to revisit them at any time. With the core aim of providing quality kink education that practices the modes of S.C.C (Safe, Sane and Consensual), R.A.C.K (Risk Aware Consensual Kink) and PRICK (Personal Responsibility, Informed, Consensual Kink), there will also always exist the offer to gain access to the Boundaries, Consent and Negotiation Course made available by OhYesPlease for 50% off the normal price if you purchase any other course.
Once launched, there are also plans to offer course bundles as well as discounts for sex workers and BiPoC.
OhYesPlease offers diverse, undogmatic and playful online education on a variety of kink and
sexuality topics. We believe that a gender inclusive, shame and blame free education, from a body positive, risk aware, consensually informed perspective can give you the freedom to explore and discover your individual sexualities, boundaries and desires. Our courses feature experts who are passionate about helping you to empower yourself and expand your kinky horizons.
OhYesPlease is a project of Karada House, a queer collaborative art space based in Berlin that explores the boundaries of body, art and the multitude of interactions between them. Find OhYesPlease online: Website: Instagram: @ohyesplz_